Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"If you can dream it, you can do it" Walt Disney

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

hello dragilor!!!

vreau sa multumesc mult celor care au fost la vernisaj!
din pacate au avut loc niste neintelegeri si unii dintre voi nu au reusit sa vada tablourile mele, imi cer scuze....organizarea in romania ne omoara :))))

va pup si ne vedem la urmatorul :D

xoxo Sam

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


dragii mei,

tin sa va anunt ca incepand de ieri a inceput vernisajul in Sibiu.
La muzeul de arta contemporana la etajul 2 !!!
Vernisajul va dura 2 saptamani, deci aveti timp destul sa ma cautati si pe mine pe acolo :D

xoxo SAM

Monday, August 30, 2010


Dragi prieteni,

doresc sa va anunt ca pe data de 13 septembrie va avea loc o expozitie la etaju 2 al muzeului de arta contemporan din Sibiu unde puteti gasi si unele din tablourile, colajele mele!!!
Tablourile, colajele vor fi donate prin Sibiu!

va astept cu drag
xoxo SAM

p.s. va voi anunta legat de detalii ora etc imediat ce aflu

Thursday, June 17, 2010

In urma cu cateva ore, CNN a anuntat ca astronomii au descoperit la marginea sistemului solar un corp ceresc necunoscut care se îndreapta spre Pamânt cu viteza de 19.000 km/s. Conform calculelor specialistilor de la NASA, acesta va lovi planeta noastra peste 25 de zile si sase ore. Ciocnirea ar putea insemna nu numai sfarsitul civilizatiei umane, ci si al vietii pe Pamant, a declarat pentru CNN reputatul antropolog britanic Cyril J. Hoax.
Va prezentam în premiera modul in care va relata APOCALIPSA mass-media din Romania :

- Istoria face dreptate! Peste 25 de zile Basescu nu va mai fi presedinte!
- Senzational! Ocazie unica! Urmariti Apocalipsa in direct la Dan Diaconescu! Daca n-o veti face, nici nu stiti ce pierdeti!
- Grabeste-te! E ultima ta sansa sa fii fata de la pagina 5! Trimite o poza acum!
- Un copil din Caracal a ars de viu si nu va mai apuca sa vada Apocalipsa! Filosoful Gabriel Liiceanu, originar si el din Caracal, a declarat în exclusivitate pentru ProTv: Apocalipsa este consecinta incremenirii în proiectul divin.
- Mai ai timp sa citesti ultima carte din colectia Adevarul: Istoria ideii de Apocalipsa de-a lungul Istoriei! Adevarul - ziarul care te face liber!
- Sursele noastre spun ca Nicoleta Luciu va petrece sfarsitul lumii departe de iubitul ei.
- Urmareste la Nasul dezvaluiri incendiare despre cum au pus la cale parlamentarii sfarsitul lumii si cum vor profita de el!
- Presedintele Basescu a declarat ca va face tot posibilul sa amane Apocalipsa!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


pentru colectia de cercei va invit cu cea mai mare placere sa vizitati


Va pup

be-sam-tastic ;)

Hey everyone!!!

Dupa cum am promis, in aprilie va aparea prima mea colectie de cercei.
Ei bine, colectia e gata, urmeaza sa o postez in maxim 2 zile!!!!

Sper sa va placa!!!

kiss kiss, xoxo :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Azi e o super zi si am sa va spun si de ce!!!

e o zi superba plina de urari si oameni faini!!!

va pup

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

holla amigos!!!

incepand din luna aprilie veti putea gasi pe blog
o colectie de cercei proaspata, cerceii vor fi de vanzare,
deci daca sunteti interesati, trimiteti un comment pt perechea dorita si va voi contacta prin mail.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

hey eneryone,
i wish you a very sunny morning!!!

I'm at work and i'm ready to start a new beautyfull day, but not alone...with coffee, cigarette, the girls and a lovely melody singing in my head!!!!
Do you trip on love
Do you run from magic
When you kiss someone
Do you make it tragic
If you feel too much
Do you start to panic
When your word comes out
Do you trip on love


Monday, March 29, 2010

today's song.....bruce springsteen-streets of philadelphia....enjoy

I was bruised and battered and I couldnt tell
What I felt
I was unrecognizable to myself
I saw my reflection in a window I didn't know
My own face
Oh brother are you gonna leave me
On the streets of philadelphia

I walked the avenue till my legs felt like stone
I heard the voices of friends vanished and gone
At night I could hear the blood in my veins
Black and whispering as the rain
On the streets of philadelphia

Aint no angel gonna greet me
Its just you and I my friend
My clothes don't fit me no more
I walked a thousand miles
Just to slip the skin

The night has fallen, Im lyinawake
I can feel myself fading away
So receive me brother with your faithless kiss
Or will we leave each other alone like this
On the streets of philadelphia

Saturday, March 27, 2010


hey everyone,

Sam here.
Saturday morning...coffee, cigarette and a good episode of 90210....mmmhhh!!! :D
i guess some of you have other plans for mornings like this....some maybe shopping for bread and milk :P hehe

so...any interesting plans for the weekend?
I'll be working on a new painting witch i wish to finish this weekend so i can show it to you!!!

i'll get back to work now...have a great weekend. xoxo

p.s. be sam-tasic :) mmuuuahhh

Friday, March 26, 2010

Trip On Love- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjVvcSjN48A

I let my guard down
In a momentary lapse of emotion
And it just slipped out
That we both knew my heart could be broke

I said something I never intended to say
You stopped laughing
And asked me, "do you feel alone in that way"

Do you trip on love
Do you run from magic
When you kiss someone
Do you make it tragic
If you feel too much
Do you start to panic
When your word comes out
Do you trip on love

I just stood there
Had expected another reaction
Out of thin air
In the strangest sense of satisfaction
Can you tell me
How you see me somewhere
And if you held me
Would you let me see a part of yourself

Do you trip on love
Do you run from magic
When you kiss someone
Do you make it tragic
When you feel too much
Do you start to panic
When your word comes out
Do you trip on love

When we go
Do we say
This means less than we know it does
Please tell me

Do you trip on love
Do you run from magic
When you kiss someone
Do you make it tragic
When you feel too much
Do you start to panic
When your word comes out
Do you trip on love

When your word comes out do you trip on love

Don't you wanna love me no more
That is why I love you so much
That is why I hate you so much

Today's Song.....enjoy Rob Dougan - There's only me


You're all I want.
You're all I need.
You're all I've got.
All I see.
It won't be long.
'Till sudenly
you'll find he's gone.

And you'll turn around and see.
There's only me,
from whom there's silence in your heart.
There's only me,
waiting patient to the last.

You wait and see.
One day your love will surely start.
You'll turn around,
you'll find when everyone departs.
There's only me.

You walk in the room.
You take you scat.
You don't turn around.
You don't see me.
I'll make hime go.
You'll find one day he'll disappear.
You'll turn around.
And find that not a soul is here.
There's only me.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Vintage Interior Design --The Perfect Nostalgic Look for the Modern World

Vintage interior design is a really popular look -- and rightly so -- it is a really relaxed, traditional style -- warm and comfortable in feel, and very easy to achieve -- and to live with!

In the loosest sense, a vintage interior design scheme is just a look that is old -- traditional, classic styling.

In a stricter sense, ‘vintage' refers to the 1940's and 1950's -- an era of hope and new beginnings!

In many ways, the 1940's and 1950's were a safer, simpler time -- a slower, more relaxed pace of life . . . you could leave your back door unlocked, while you popped down to the shops! Family and the home were a very important focus to life -- and this led to a very comforting and welcoming feel to vintage home decor and interior design.

The vintage era is a period that most people can actually remember -- either from their own childhood (or even adult life) or at least from the home of their grandparents. This is a very nostalgic look and feel. It will recreate comforting memories and emotions from childhood -- feelings of comfort and safety.

This is an easy, relaxed feel -- there are no strict rules to getting your vintage interior design look -- only a few simple guidelines to follow:

After the War, people did have to ‘make-do and mend'. They used old furniture, from all different eras -- fine antiques and family heirlooms, handed down through the generations, and simpler pieces, that were made over and repaired. So, feel free to mix and match all kinds of traditional furniture pieces in your vintage decorating scheme.

Look out for loads of hand-made goodies too -- such as patchwork quilts, made from pretty scraps and fabric remnants.

A vintage interior design style is definitely not an expensive look to try in your home. Scour antique stalls and flea markets for solid, quality items -- the slightly worn look will enhance the ‘pre-loved' charm of the unique pieces.

If you find furniture in different styles and different types of wood, why not try painting all your furniture pieces in white, or a colored paint. Try going for a deliberately distressed look, by applying wax to edges and corners that would wear naturally. Paint over the top, then rub down these areas, and create your own ‘genuine,' distressed and worn look.

Choose muted and pastel tones for walls and fabric -- any color will go, so long as you don't choose something that is too fresh, modern and bright. Add a little interest with accents of patterned wallpaper, and pretty fabrics for upholstery, slip-covers, throws, cushions and curtains. Look out for pretty, floral designs -- particularly those typical 1940's and 1950's attractive rose patterns.

Don't be afraid to mix and match patterns and fabrics -- and pile on all the pretty layers -- slip-covers, throws, patchwork quilts, crochets and lace will all give you that really warm and comforting, nostalgic feel.

Display period accessories and collections on open shelves, or in glass-fronted display cabinets -- look out for pretty ornaments, porcelain figurines, and all types of pretty ceramics and pottery.

This is a really good style for anyone who loves knick-knacks and collections -- indulge and display your hobby collection -- or start one right now . . . !

Celebration Of Vintage and Retro Design


“Moda revine” se spune şi asta nu pentru că designerii rămân în pană de idei sau inspiraţie. Folosirea versiunilor revizuite ale stilurilor trecute este o tehnică comună în multe domenii şi se dovedeşte în continuare o tendinţă foarte populară. Se regăseşte printre altele în publicitate, modă, design interior şi, bineânţeles, web design. Retro este o adiere a deceniilor demult apuse. Retro se referă azi la orice poate fi legat de anii 1930-1980.

Stilul retro este combinaţia ideală între nou şi vechi, între clasic şi abstract. Creativitatea este cheia integrării elementelor caracteristice acestuia în layoutul unei pagini web. Designerii folosesc accentele retro deoarece urmăresc să creeaze o atmosferă nostalgică cu scopul de a comunica informaţia folosindu-se de emoţii, sentimente, amintiri. Ei caută să obţină un rezultat cu adevărat diferit, un design ieşit din tipare ce reânvie magia anilor trecuţi cu tot ce au avut ei mai aparte.

Iată câteva dintre cele mai utilizate elementele specifice stilului retro, incluse de obicei în designul unei pagini web cu parfum vintage:

- ilustraţii preluate din vechi afişe de film, din ziare, anunţuri, reclame, vederi poştale;
- discuri de vinil, tonomate muzicale, vechi aparate radio şi tv;
- maşini vechi;
- coperţi de reviste, ambalaje vechi, fotografii;
- texturi de hâtie învechită, folosită (hârtie îngălbenită, pătată, tocită de vreme, ziare);
- o paletă de culori întunecate (maro, roşu-închis, albastru închis, etc.);
- tipografie de stil vechi şi fonturi ce imită scrisul de mână;

Mai jos am postat (spre exemplificare) mai multe link-uri către galerii de site-uri stil vintage & retro, precum şi către colecţii de resurse gratuite pentru un design retro, tutoriale şi articole scrise pe aceasta temă. Veţi găsi de asemenea surse impresionante de inspiraţie ce conţin afişe, postere, ad-uri, vederi poştale, fotografii, ilustraţii aparţinând secolului trecut.
" It is not possible for a man to be elegant without a touch of femininity."
Vivienne Westwood
" Fashion is very important. It is life-enhancing and, like everything that gives pleasure, it is worth doing well." Vivienne Westwood

Coco Chanel quote

“"The best color in the whole world, is the one that looks good, on you!”



“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” Coco Chanel

Loving ..... Vivienne Westwood


• Westwood was born Vivienne Isabel Swire in Glossop, Derbyshire, on April 8, 1941
• She began designing clothes in 1971 with the opening of her first shop, Let It Rock, at 430 King's Road. In 1974 it was renamed Sex
• In 1976, with her then lover and business partner, Malcolm McLaren, they dressed the Sex Pistols
• In 1981, Westwood showed her first seminal collection in London, entitled Pirate
• In 1990, Westwood launched a menswear collection in Florence. She was named British Designer of the Year that year, as well as in 1991
• In 1998 she won the Queen's Export Award
• In 2007 she was awarded the gong for Outstanding Achievement in Fashion Design at the British Fashion Awards - but she was late on to the stage to collect it since she'd popped out to go to the loo


Hey everyone,
as you can see I love creating things, like pop art and earings....
So if any of you would like me to create something for you...let me know!!!
and don't forget....be-sam-tastic!!! xoxo Sam
“A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.” Coco Chanel
,,In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different'' Coco Chanel

Living my dream!

Living my dream!